waitin’ in anx

I’m writing on the blog again maybe because I’m stressed but want to give an update. I looked at my stats today and found out that my most visited page is BLOG! like just blog, not any of the pages there. The page was badly set up and all you saw were headings so most people just clicked off to more interesting pages. So I fixed it up so its at least presentable.

A lot of people ended up voting in polls which I really really appreciated. The top votes are Kimi: Witchy Aesthetics and Adeline: Dracula. Which is kinda perfect because I just finished True Blood. I kinda get it now. Like, it’s not a perfect show by any means but it was compelling. My thoughts on the finale? I’m gonna make it transparent so there’s no spoilers.

I kinda thought it was a cop out to bring Hoyt back. He was all angsty and not endearing anymore. It was weird that Tara was just.. gone? Bill wanting to die kinda made sense but it was weird at the same time. I don’t like Sarah Newlin or anything but it was kind of just slapped on at the end. All in all I just don’t think it was as thoughtful as the rest of the show has been.

Anyway, why am I talking about True Blood? I have real actual news! I launched an Indiegogo to try to gather some funds for the mobile version. Please go check it out or donate if you liked any of the rewards. Please donate.

with luv,



no longer a concept